Welcome to Grace
Welcome to the
Transformative Power of Christ's Love;
If You're Here, You Belong
Annual Stewardship Campaign
The Grace Episcopal Church Stewardship Campaign is underway! We need your commitment to continue the momentum we're building at Grace. Please make your pledge before the end of October. You can return your pledge card on Sunday or in the Church office, or pledge online.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Wardens Sara Clary and Sarah Tims at wardens@gracehinsdale.org
Current Worship Schedule
Sunday Morning Service, 10:00 a.m.
Join Us In-Person or Watch Live Streaming
Welcome to Grace Church!
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Prayer Requests
We acknowledge that this time is difficult for many of us for different reasons. Prayer is always available for yourself or others. If you have a prayer request for someone, you may enter it below. All requests are treated as Pastoral and confidential.

“Prayer must lead us beyond mind, words, and ideas to a more spacious place where God has a chance to get in.”