Serving others is one of God’s great calls to us. When we walk side-by-side with those from another experience, we live out our prayer to respect the dignity of every human being. When you are ready to take a step in a journey of faith, we have the opportunity for you.

BraveHearts brings hope, joy and unlimited possibilities through the healing power of the horse. As the premier model for connecting horses with people as a catalyst for wellness, everyone will have the chance to discover healing horsemanship.
Grace Champion:Â Marge Gunnar (rgunnar@sbcglobal.net)
CREO DuPage (aka CREO) is a nonprofit program focused on helping motivated Hispanic/Latino/Latinx students attain the future they yearn for – making possible what may seem impossible. We want to break away from misconceptions by changing the college narrative in the community and enabling our students to successfully prepare for and complete their studies. Grace Champion: David Arch (darch@blistex.com)

HCS Family Services
HCS Family Services is a compassionate not-for-profit organization whose goal is to prevent homelessness and food insecurity, help low-income individuals achieve their dreams of sustained economic self-sufficiency, and to create an improved quality of life for themselves and their families. Grace Champion: Sara Clary (clary.sara@gmail.com)
Holy Family Ministries
Holy Family Ministries provides opportunities for children and adults from Chicago’s underserved neighborhoods to excel academically, grow spiritually, expand life experiences, and become effective leaders.
Grace Champion: Dirk Gnodde (gnoddeassociates@comcast.net)

The solution to end homelessness is more complex than providing individuals with food and shelter. Founded in 1985, DuPagePads is the largest provider of interim and permanent housing, coupled with support services in order to help individuals work toward becoming self-sufficient. These vital support services enable the individuals we help to receive case management and life coaching, employment support such as job coaching, as well as engagement with employers—effectively stopping the cycle of homelessness. Grace Champion: Dirk Gnodde (gnoddeassociates@comcast.net)
ReVive Center for Housing and Healing is committed to solving homelessness in Chicago. For over 100 years, thousands of homeless individuals and their children have turned to ReVive Center for expert resources, award-winning programs, and a compassionate place to heal and call home. Grace has a long history of participating in the Christmas Basket Program, in which Grace parishioners provide Christmas gifts to families and senior citizens who cannot afford to buy presents.
Grace Champion: Toni Pritchard (apritchard@wwmlawyers.com)

Trinity Soup Kitchen
Every Thursday, 52 weeks per year, Trinity Episcopal Church in Aurora hosts the Sandwich Board, a combination of Holy Communion and a hot, nutritious meal. The Sandwich Board is a collaboration of Episcopal Churches from the Western suburbs, including Grace. For many attending the Soup Kitchen, they can come and worship at Trinity, where they know they will be respected and accepted. For others, it is a place where they can get at least one hearty meal per week that they can relish and share with their friends. People attending Sandwich Board are a diverse group of individuals down on their luck, families that have been evicted due to foreclosure, people living on the street, people of every culture, people searching for a job, a place to live, a friend; people praying for their families, for our country, for our troops, and a better way of life.
Grace Champion: Mary Lyne (maryrlyne@msn.com)
St. Leonard's Ministries
Believing individuals want to lead productive and whole lives, St. Leonard’s Ministries provides a setting in which men and women recently released from prison can achieve such a life. Residents are provided with an array of program services designed to assist them as they make the transition to successful, independent living. During their stay at St. Leonard’s House, Grace House and St. Andrew’s Court, residents are helped to reassess value systems, to reorder priorities and to develop socially and legally acceptable patterns of behavior.
Grace Champion: Tony Marcussen (mallorysq@comcast.net)